Monday, March 8, 2010

1. Lives Lost – .Dotson used the standup shot to show the gym that kids used to play in and used it to transition between different scenes. To get good soundbites, dotson used the Rule of Threes and the Non Question/Question

2. Cave Rescue – The stand up

3. Ruby Bridges -
setting -the school as the setting
foreshadowing - describing the kids
conflict - clips of angry people
character growth -how she has grown since being that little girl in that classroom prison
resolution -how Ruby has been helping other kids out.

4. Pearl Harbor’s Untold Story – He designed the memorial

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rule of three`s example

The video showed the rules of three when they asked one of the boy if he had a crush on the girl and he denied it at first then admitted it after they kept asking.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Student Video Critiques

1. Will Biernat "simply will"
2. He Incorporated his slogan well
3. He used the skills he learn in class by adding effects
4. His video was interesting , the text he added to the videos we good
5. 30 seconds

1.Angela Johnson "Silence the violence and increase the peace"
2. She presented her slogan well
3. She used the skills we learned class well
4.Her video was interesting, the pictures in it were really good
5.30 seconds

1. Nate Mckenzie "Im`ma Be
2. He showed his slogan well by having the song "imma be" on
3. He used the skills we learned in class by putting a song and put a animation in his video
4. His video was interesting because i was guessing what would come next
5. 30 seconds

1. John Gauger "I`m a Winner"
2. He had his slogan in text at the beginning of the video
3.He used transitions between pictures
4. His video was interesting because of the photos he chose
5. 30 seconds

Tiger Woods

Fan: I think we should just stop bothering him and just let him finish his rehab. That way he can back to playing golf and being on gatorade bottles.

Reporter: I thought it took to much time for him to formaly apologize and that he looked like he was very sorry, but also that some one had written it for him

Slogan Video

Was 30 seconds in Premiere but is 29 seconds on here

Monday, February 8, 2010

NEWS LOG (Fox 9 news at 9)

Winter Storm Warning (3 min.)

Snowy Commute (1 min.)

Fox 9 ad ( <1 min.)

2 feet of snow (1 min.)

Snowmobile search called off (<1 min.)

Power plant explosion (1 min.)

Commercials (4 min.)

Sexual realationship with 9 year old (8 min.)

Commercials (3 min.)

Mudslides in California ( 1 min.)

Space shuttle delayed ( 1 min.)

Commercials (3 min.)

Amount of adoptions up (1 min.)

super bowl commericals

Ad #1
Company: Doritos
Target Audience: Men aged 19-29
Persuasive Method: Humor
Slogan: "Snack strong"
It was effective because it showed that Doritos are worth faking your own death for

Ad #2
Company: Snickers
Target Audience Men aged 19-29
Persuasive Method: Humor
Slogan: "your not you when your hungry"
It was effective because it shows the player as a old lady but once he eats a snickers he turns back into himself.

Ad #3
Company: Coca-cola
Target Audience: Teens
Persuasive Method: Humor
Slogan: "Open Happiness"
It was effective because it shows a sad old man who has lost everything, but then he gets a coke and is included by other people and becomes happy.

Ad #4
Target Audience: adults that are unhappy at their jobs
Persuasive Method: Humor
Slogan: "Expose yourself to something better, Careerbuilder, Get building"
It was effective because it showed a man who hates his job because everyone in his office wears underwear to work everyday

Ad #5
Company: Intel
Target Audience: Adults who want to buy a new computer
Persuasive Method: humor
Slogan: "the new chips are the best thing Intel has ever made"
It is effective because the man is saying how much better the new processors are and that they are better then a robot that is standing behind him.

Homework: Jake Bakes Cake

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The news notes

Six criteria of newsworthyness

1. Unusualness - Weird, out of the oridarny, (is usally bad news)
2. Significance - Important events that will affect a lot of people
3. Timeliness - Happening now or not long ago, not a mounth ago
4. Proximity - People want to know events happening in their area, (robberies, local schools, local sports)
5. Prominence - News about famous or well known people are more interesting then some average joe
6. Human Interest - A story with strong emotional appeal, (heart warming stories or dramitic heart wrenching stories)

Differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism

1. Print has coverage of more stories
2. Print-Readers can pick what they want to read
3. Broadcast-Veiwers see videos to go along with the stories
4. Print-Readers can read stories almost anywhere
5. Broadcast- News is more up to date
6. Broadcast- Less in depth

Examples for each criteria of newsworthieness

1. Unusualness
2. Significance
3. Timeliness
4. Proximity
5. Prominence
6. Human Interest

CNN article

1. Large snow storm article I am mad after reading the article because on the picture on the top it looks like the storm will hit us but after reading it it looks like it will miss MN. All it did was raise my hopes for a snow day with the picture and When they said it would drop 2 feet of snow. Then it crushed my dreams of a snow day by saying that "Washington D.C., Baltimore, and Philadelphia" would be getting the majority of the snow.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Broadcast journalism

I believe the broadcast journalism means, telling facts or a story to people using TVs, radios, newspapers, magazines, etc.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cow escape article

Cow escapes

This story made me happy, because Linda (the cow) escaped slaughter. I was surprised that a person would pay $1000 just to save her. Also I am surpised that it took several police cars to catch her. Finally I was amazed that there was a hole in the fence that is big enough to fit a cow though.
1. wants to be on the 4cast and lacrosse at ice arena