Thursday, February 4, 2010

The news notes

Six criteria of newsworthyness

1. Unusualness - Weird, out of the oridarny, (is usally bad news)
2. Significance - Important events that will affect a lot of people
3. Timeliness - Happening now or not long ago, not a mounth ago
4. Proximity - People want to know events happening in their area, (robberies, local schools, local sports)
5. Prominence - News about famous or well known people are more interesting then some average joe
6. Human Interest - A story with strong emotional appeal, (heart warming stories or dramitic heart wrenching stories)

Differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism

1. Print has coverage of more stories
2. Print-Readers can pick what they want to read
3. Broadcast-Veiwers see videos to go along with the stories
4. Print-Readers can read stories almost anywhere
5. Broadcast- News is more up to date
6. Broadcast- Less in depth

Examples for each criteria of newsworthieness

1. Unusualness
2. Significance
3. Timeliness
4. Proximity
5. Prominence
6. Human Interest

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